Sometimes when you follow a lead, you get more than you bargained for. This was very much the case one evening when we set out to see what the truth was in there being over a kilometer of tunnel under an area of the city. Turns out, it was true. And there ...
08/01/2013After visiting the ajacent supermarket one day, we sat eating our lunch gazing upwards. It was decided that this structure wanted to be climbed. So later, we did just that.
14/03/2012Scrambling up the prickly embankment, we paused for a moment next to the track and peered along it. All was quiet, or at least, it would have been if it wasn't for the gale force winds. I looked up at the murky sky and it had rain written all over it. ...
03/03/2012As we sat in the car on that cold winter night, watching the cranes lower tunnel sections into the brilliantly lit pit below, and the yellow clad workers scurrying around, we knew tonight was not the night. Nor was the next. With deadlines to meet and ...
19/12/2011A day of drain hunting in Glasgow. Leads from Google maps proved difficult to follow due to new developments making the satellite imagery vastly outdated from reality. As a result, we failed to find the interceptor we were seeking out, and a sewer of ...
08/11/2011It's been far too long since I've posted an update to this website. It's not for lack of content, far from it. I have a backlog of photos to sort through that I seem to keep on adding to rather than dealing with. But before I get to any of that, I'm going ...
28/10/2011"The lifts are dodgy as fuck!" people often say. The squeaks; the rattles; the "OUT OF SERVICE" scroller appearing every now and again. You can't blame them really. Indeed, I believed they were poorly maintained 60s dinsosaurs too, but in actual fact ...
19/12/2010If you want some background information, I suggest you read this post. So why return to the "much raped" Inverkip Power Station for a third time? Well, it had been about a year and a half since my last visit, and workers have been ...
07/11/2010Down the mine, again.These mine trips are becoming less of a weekend of exploration and more a weekend of fannying around. Of course, this is more than acceptable.
03/11/2010A fairly chilled sort of day out. First up was a curious castle-like mansion that was once a stately home and closed as a nursing home. Next up was the forever rotten Eastend House. Since my visit over a year ago a large mains water pipe has burst inside ...
17/07/2010By the time we actually reached Leeds, I was fucked. It was now late afternoon and I hadn't slept at all the previous night before driving all around northern England. Oh well, off the pub we go. I didn't sleep that night either.
13/07/2010It happens all too often, and it's always just a matter of time. The old mill had done well to survive this long. The fire destroyed the labs and offices. Until now, these parts had remained undamaged.
26/06/2010This black, mirror-like building with blue lighting to highlight it, made for some colourful pictures and interesting symmetry with some good views of the Forth bridges.
19/06/2010We dropped into a couple of interesting wee places after scoping out a somewhat ridiculous future explore. The first is a distillery, the second is what I can only describe as a big farm of huge oil tanks. These things are massive and quite ...